Artist: Kazimir Malevich

Scientific Test: X-ray analysis

Artist: Kazimir Malevich

In 2015 researchers at Moscow’s Tretyakov’s Gallery used X-ray analysis to reveal hidden text on a painting by Kazimir Malevich. Malevich created the painting, titled Black Square, in 1915. When the painting was X-rayed, researchers were shocked to find a humorous inscription. It is believe that the text is referring to a painting by a French writer, Alphonse Allais, created in 1897. The inclusion of the hidden text sheds new light on Malevich’s thought process and his influences. Even more startling, researchers also found a previous composition that included more colors than the stark black and white composition visible on the surface. While the two discoveries did not alter the authentication status, they have helped researchers and conservators to better understand work by Malevich.

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